Pre School
0-5 Years
We offer a Quality Educational Earlychildhood program in a caring home like environment. Concenrtrating on the individuals child's need, encouraging children to learn, be creative, build confidence and School Readiness. Our programs are based on the children's interests with an Emergent Curriculum incorporating the Learning Framework with Learning Outcomes.
Limited Enrolments now available now
We are open from 6.30am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday and all meals are provided.
We have limited vacancies. Please call 4365 3514 for Enrolment information.
Kids Club- Before/ After School & Vacation Care
5-12 Years
We offer a fun caring environment for OutSide School Hours Care.
Our programs are based on the interests of the children with individual needs catered for incorporating Learning Outcomes for children.
We are funded from the Australian Sports Commisssion for the Active After Schools program 2 afternoon a week, during each term.
We are open from 6.30am to 9.00am & 2.30pm to 3.00pm during the School Term. Vacation Care hours are 6.30am to 6.00pm.
Vacation Care Program for April School Holidays now available.
Breakfast and Afternoon Tea provided during Before /After School Care.
We have limited vacancies. Please call 4365 3514 for enrolment information.
Nursery Room